Objective: Student filmmakers will employ a nominal, repeatable lighting scheme to create a short film which (1) indicates depth through highlight and shadow, and (2) accurately reproduces colors. Among other criteria, this assignment’s grading rubric privileges z-axis articulation, white balance, and lighting plots.
Assessment: Your grade will be averaged with other project scores.
Prompt: Your screenwriter may opt to use, adapt, or entirely replace the script your group has been given on the crew page
On behalf of your group, group members will submit the following documentation as indicated.
- Crew Contract – secured by your producer, requiring input from each group member and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> documentation - Personal Releases – secured by your director and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> documentation>>releases>>personal - Location Releases – secured by your producer and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> documentation>>releases>>location - Lighting Plots – prepared by your gaffer and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> documentation>>plots - Footage Log – prepared by your camera operator and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> documentation>>logs - Binder (D2L). On behalf of your group, your producer will submit to D2L copies of all documentation (in the precise order of the list above) in a single .pdf binder.
- Raw Footage (server) – prepared by your camera operator and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> video
Please wait for further instruction before editing your film and submitting these materials:
- Completed film (server) – prepared by your editor and uploaded to this folder:
anim-stor1.dc1.pennwest.edu >> cinema >> studio >> lighting >> project >> exports - Completed film (D2L) – prepared by your editor, uploaded to his/her Vimeo account. URL to be uploaded to the appropriate D2L assignment folder.