script analysis
THE OBJECTIVE: Equip filmmakers for formative discussion of storyboard, production design and actor performances.
RE-READ the script. ALOUD. DAILY. The best research is repeatedly reading the script. LOOK UP any unfamiliar words, figures of speech, or historical events.
TELL THE STORY in five or fewer sentences, focusing on the choices each character makes.
DIVIDE THE SCRIPT into 3-5 sections or beats, with one major emotion or activity in each beat. Give each beat its own TITLE.
Describe each beat as a series of VISIBLE ACTION VERBS. The verbs usually don’t describe literal or physical action. They are metaphors that will help actors understand their objective for the scene.
✅ Joey Gambles → Mary Attacks → Joey Retreats
The verbs must describe visible action. Avoid verbs that describe internal thought processes that cannot be photographed.
❌ Joey Thinks → Mary Considers → Joey Seems Contemplative
What does each character WANT? What is s/he willing to do to achieve it?
GRAPH the emotional energy of each beat on a scale from 1-10. The highest emotional energy should be the film’s CLIMAX.
For each beat, write down five (specific, concrete) NOUNS that can be touched, tasted, smelled, heard, and seen (a total of 25 words for each beat of the script).
❌ Bitter ✅ Lemon
❌ Smooth ✅ Polished Marble
❌ Loud ✅ Trumpet in a Pep Band
What COLOR is each beat?
What EMOTION is each beat? Nervous? Joyful? Depressed?
Choose a specific, overarching, representative IMAGE for each beat. Fortress? Disco? Witch’s Broom? Rocket Ship? Faded Dress?