The Film: A Shared Space
A small school in Hoboken, NJ is attracting attention for its progressive integration of fine arts, worship, and community service. The success of its intentional mission to the urban poor defies the economic model that typifies many private schools But in an environment of insufficient funds, politicized performance standards, and escalating drop-out rates, can any school make a difference? Can a curriculum infused with faith and art honestly and positively impact the lives of a diverse student body?
Screening w/Q&A, Christian Schools International. Grand Rapids, MI. November 3, 2011.
Screening w/Q&A. Christian Educators Association. South Bend, IN. October 13, 2011
Screening with Peer Review. University Film and Video Association. Emerson College, Boston, MA. August 5, 2011.
Screening w/Q&A. Van Lunen Fellows Alumni Reunion. Grand Rapids, MI. July 15, 2011.
Official Selection, 2011 Hoboken International Film Festival, Hoboken, NJ. June 3-9, 2011.
Screening w/Q&A. Kuyers Institute Board. Grand Rapids, MI. May 18, 2011.
Winner, Bronze Telly Award, Cinematography/Videography. May 2011.
Winner, Bronze Telly Award, Charitable/Not-for-profit films. May 2011.
Screening w/Q&A. Covenant College. Lookout Mountain, GA. March 21, 2011.
Screening w/Q&A. Calvin College. Grand Rapids, MI. February 11, 2011.
World Premiere w/Q&A, Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ. November 5, 2010.