The Film: Salvage
The transfer to Vimeo has been a little unkind to the lighting scheme of "Salvage." Audiences lucky enough to have seen it on the big screen were taken by its moody pools of illumination.
Student filmmakers often choose actors from a comfortable pool of their peers. This group cast a pleasantly wider net and the film is all the stronger for it. They also lucked out with an extraordinary location find: a hands-on museum of retired scientific equipment.
In my experience, amateur soundtracks set a scene's broad, emotional tone. This one's a step above. The rising tension of dialogue to its existential climax is mirrored in a musical crescendo.
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Advanced Digital Filmmaking
Official Selection, Snake Alley Festival of Film (IA) | Official Selection, Columbia Gorge International Film Festival (WA) | Official Selection, Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival (OK)