Conversation Transcripts
Objective: The intent of this out-of-class assignment is to focus your attention on (1) conversational dialogue as it spoken, and (2) industry-standard script formatting.
Submit: (1) Three conversation transcripts as .pdfs to the appropriate D2L assignment folder. (2) Distribute copies of your conversation transcripts to every member of your group.
Assessment: Your individual grade will be averaged with other participation scores.
Transcribe 3, 2-minute conversations involving three or fewer speakers/characters (the rule of thumb is approximately one page of script per minute of screen time). You may record conversations and type them out later if you like, but people who know they’re being recorded tend to speak less naturally. Try to transcribe the conversations verbatim. To the extent possible, please do not:
- identify the speakers by gender or name.
- describe action, settings, or speaker appearance.
- clean up the language, polish grammar, fill holes of logic, or in any way “improve” the dialogue.
- submit self-reflexive conversations in which people discuss the assignment itself.
- submit conversations in which people admit to illegal behavior.
Give each conversation a one-word title. Format your work using this simplified script TEMPLATE.
Table Reads
Objective: In the same way that films are edited from multiple takes, the intent of this in-class assignment is to improve the quality of scripts by harnessing the brain power of multiple writers.
Submit: Class presentation of the two strongest scripts constitutes successful completion of the assignment.
Assessment: Your group grade will be averaged with other participation scores.
- Distribute copies of your conversation transcripts to every member of your group. Silently, individually, read all the conversation transcripts. Make notes in the margins about things which require more explanation. Be mindful of exceptional lines that strike you as particularly insightful, funny, emotional.
- A designated “Scriptwriter” will moderate a group discussion. Individual authors should answer questions about their respective scripts. By consensus, choose the four strongest scripts for table reads.
- Table reads. The author of a transcript should not participate in the reading of his/her script. Instead, s/he should take notes which will help to clarify further performances.
- By consensus, choose the two strongest scripts to share with the class.
- Each group will read their two strongest scripts for the entire class. The group Scriptwriter and Transcript Authors will take notes of class/professor feedback.
Objective: In the same way that films are edited from multiple takes, the intent of this out-of-class assignment is to improve the quality of scripts by harnessing the brain power of multiple writers.
Submit: (1) On behalf of your group, your designated Scriptwriter will submit a one-and-a-half page revision of your group’s strongest script as a .pdf to the appropriate D2L folder. (2) On behalf of your group, your designated Scriptwriter will bring 6 printed copies of the revision to class.
Assessment: Your group grade will be averaged with other participation scores.
- You started with a pool of 15 or so conversation transcriptions. You whittled them down to the two or three you felt were strongest (or perhaps strangest). Classmates gave you feedback to help you focus even further. Now, on behalf of your group, the designated Scriptwriter will format your work using this simplified script TEMPLATE.
- The priority of this revision should be on natural-sounding dialogue – not on action or description. Incorporate feedback from your classmates and professor to wisely pare dead lines and to substitute exchanges from other scripts (even those which have been dismissed).