Hospital Credits & Visual Lock
Prepare a Sequence. Start this and every editing session by duplicating your most recent timeline sequence. Rename with the proper sequence nomenclature as shown:

Switch to the Graphic Workspace, thus arranging Adobe tools and windows for the ease of creating a credit sequence.
Activate the program monitor’s Safe Margins. Positioning important visual information within these rectangles helps your project conform to technical standards of the broadcast, film, and streaming industries.
Position the Timeline playhead at the end of your film.
Use the Text Tool to create a text box in the Program Monitor window. Copy and paste the hospital scene’s CREDITS into the text box. While the box will extend past the top and bottom of the screen, it can be no wider than the smaller of the two safe margin rectangles. Include your own name as editor.
Use the Selection Tool in the Program Monitor window to stretch the text box beyond the upper and lower boundaries of the screen if necessary.
Format the text using the Effect Controls window.
Use the Selection Tool in the Timeline Window to change the duration of the credits to exactly 10 seconds.
Set keyframes in the Effect Control window to animate the position of the credit box in the Y-axis.
Add 30 seconds of silent black to the timeline after the credits.
Duplicate and rename your timeline, adding the words “Visual Lock” after your editor’s initials. Visual (or Picture) Lock is a sacrosanct milestone of post-production. The term indicates that, from this point forward, no changes will be made to the total running time (TRT) of the film or to any of the individual shots within it. Changes made to the timeline after the audio editing begins can be profoundly disrupting and expensive. Imagine a composer scoring a scene… then having fifteen seconds added to it after the orchestra has already recorded music.