Dual-System Poetry
Objective: As a skills component of the final exam, edit the DualSystem footage shot earlier in the semester.
Submit: Enter a Vimeo url in the appropriate D2L assignment submission folder.
Assessment: Your individual grade for the video will be averaged with other quiz and assignment scores. Grading criteria as follows:
- Resolution. 1080HD. Progressive Scan. Square pixels. 16:9. Stereo. Edited, exported, and uploaded to Vimeo at 23.976 frames per second.
- Post Production. Begin with a standard LEADER. Conclude with 30 seconds of silent black. Include neither in the total running time of your video.
- Editing on Dialouge. Edit at least twice between lines of dialogue, switching from one camera angle/distance to another. You are not required to either (a) use J- or L-cuts, or (b) cut for continuity.
- Color. Basic color correction using Adobe’s Lumetri Color panel. Manual white balance will consistency of flesh tones from shot to shot.
- Audio Mix. Average combined volume levels mixed to -12dB. Royalty-free music should be back-timed and properly attributed.
- Closing Credits. Five second maximum. List contributors as few times as possible. Combine credits if necessary (i.e. “written and directed by”) so that no person will be listed more than twice. Credit any content that you did not create. Check sources carefully for licenses and attribution details. Unless you have registered a limited liability company (LLC), please do not indicate copyright or corporate identity.
- Export the entire timeline (from the beginning of the bars and tone to the end of silent black) to your VIMEO account. The url should be in this format: https://vimeo.com/332326604 – nothing more than the name of the hosting platform plus a number. Additional words and characters indicate administrative pages that visitors may not be able to access.