location dialogue Configure the RECORDERInsert new BATTERIES. FORMAT media memory. Set DATE.REC MODE Rec Mode: DualSource: Ext in L Dual Lvl: -6dB Level Mode: OffRECORD SETTINGWAV 24 BIT48kHz I/O SETTING Level Mode: ManualPHANTOM POWER only if necessary.Before the first take:Connect Boom MIC → XLR CABLE → RECORDER → HEADPHONES. POSITION THE MIC as close as the frame edge allows, PICK-UP PATTERN HOT SIDE facing actor(s).Check for BOOM SHADOWS. Rehearse with actors. Set average LEVELS to -12dB FS.Record one minute of ROOM TONE.Each take:Director yells “Roll ’em”; PRODUCTION SOUND MIXER responds “SPEED.”Stop recording only after the director yells “Cut.”LOG file numbersPLAYBACK each recording, monitoring for quality.After the shoot:BACKUP files to laptop.Surrender media for SERVER transfer.