Candidacy is an opportunity to assess strengths and organize your career search.
Candidate Information
Email - A professional e-mail handle - not your SCOTS student e-mail. Access the Career Center's
"Beginner's Guide to Professional Communication"
Unofficial Transcript - Download from SCOTS as a .pdf. A minimum GPA of 2.75 is expected of all applicants.
Professional Work/Digital Portfolio. Consistent colors, fonts, and design elements, memorably reinforce a filmmaker's identity. The successful candidate thus communicates a unified personal brand by aesthetically coordinating the following items.
Vimeo Page. Vimeo is the preferred hosting platform for professional filmmakers. The best of sites organize projects into albums for ease of visitor navigation. Films hosted on Vimeo may be easily embedded into personal websites (below), forwarded to prospective employers, or appended to competitive applications for grants and festival entry. Vimeo is also launching a new tool to easily find and hire top-tier video professionals, so you want to update your profile and use it as a job search tool.
Website: As in the case of an email address (above), exercise care in choosing and securing a professional domain name through GoDaddy or some other registrar and web hosting service. Provide the link to a personal website that includes the following pages:
- Digital Résumé. Please have your resume reviewed by a member of the Career Development staff to achieve a balance between a thorough listing of relevant experience and a reasonable protection of your privacy.
- Gallery Page. A gallery of completed projects, usually organized by genre (e.g., commercial, documentary, animation) or crew position (e.g., director, cinematographer, editor). For purposes of candidacy review, your gallery must include projects completed in ART267, Film and Video Production I, or ART103, 4D Design.
- Reel. A reel is a collection of your films' most impressive moments. As a sophomore applying for candidacy, your reel might be less than 20 seconds in length. As your coursework continues, develop a habit of saving impressive images from each class project for a combined running time of a minute in your final semester.
Work Samples - Upload 3-6 drawings from ART 101, 106 & 107. Of particular interest are images which demonstrate an articulation of depth and an understanding of composition
Competencies & Qualifications
LinkedIn Profile -
Provide the link to your professional LinkedIn Profile. Your profile should include a headshot. Your career development meeting (below) should include configuring LinkedIn to alert you of job opportunities in your discipline.
Essay. Upload a professional essay (.pdf) to accompany your candidacy application that includes your choice of two of the following:
- 1) Discuss two goals you have for projects and coursework during your remaining time at Edinboro.
- 2) Discuss what makes your work aesthetically distinctive
- 3) A paragraph in which you discuss the virtues of being either a media production generalist in which you perform/oversee the majority of work yourself OR
- a specialist in a larger organization in which you focus on a single area of practice and expertise such as cinematography or production audio.
Business Card. Please upload your design as a .pdf, featuring a professional business email address. Students often find sites such as helpful in the design and printing of identity suite elements.
Career Development Meeting. A conversation with Career Coach for the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences might include the following topics: on-line job search resources; freelancing and the gig economy; relocation; guild and union membership; the path from entry-level to experienced career. Enter the date of your most recent meeting with the Career Coach.