CAMERA (NARRATIVE) Position TRIPOD as indicated by storyboard.Configure camera:Insert BATTERY. FORMAT media memory. Set DATE.set Movie Rec Quality to 4K (3840 x 2160) 23.98p fpsLight IPB CompressionHigh Frame Rate Disabled Movie Cropping DisabledSound Recording AutoCustom WHITE BALANCE (at each new position)Canon Log SettingsCanon Log On (C.LOG3)Color space: CINEMA GAMUTZEBRA settings ONZebra 1 level 55±5%. Zebra 2 level 95%SHUTTER SPEED 1/50 sec ISO SPEED 800 or multipleEach take:BRACKET f-STOPsCheck FOCUSDirector yells “Roll ’em”; Camera Operator responds “ROLLING.”Stop shooting only after the director yells “Cut.”LOG file numbers, f-stops, and ISO speeds.After the shoot:BACKUP files to laptop.Surrender media for SERVER transfer.