

TRANSCRIBE 3, 2-minute conversations involving three or fewer speakers/characters (the rule of thumb is approximately one page of script per minute of screen time).  You may record conversations and type them out later if you like, but people who know they’re being recorded tend to speak less naturally.  Try to transcribe the conversations verbatim.  To the extent possible, please DO NOT:

  • identify the speakers by gender or name.
  • describe action, settings, or speaker appearance.
  • clean up the language, polish grammar, fill holes of logic, or in any way “improve” the dialogue.
  • submit self-reflexive conversations in which people discuss the assignment itself.
  • submit conversations in which people admit to illegal behavior.

Give each conversation a one-word title.  Format your work using this simplified script TEMPLATE.  Submit your work as a .pdf to the appropriate D2L assignment folder.  Bring six hard copies of each script to class.