distribution & marketing


Each STUDENT will submit a

  • promotional HEADSHOT
  • four-sentence BIOGRAPHY
  • personal EMAIL address
  • hometown MEDIA OUTLET list (where do we send the press releases when your film starts winning big awards?  What are your local newspapers, TV & radio stations?)

Each PROJECT will have a

  • completed FILM FREEWAY profile
    • PRESS KIT including
    • 11 x 17″ POSTER
    • behind-the-scenes PHOTOS
    • 30-second TRAILER
    • SOCIAL MEDIA accounts (for your film, not your philmmakers)
  • one-year COMPETITION CALENDAR of local, regional, national, global, and qualifying, festivals and contests – with entry fee receipts.
  • designated PROJECT MANAGER.  Who will answer Film Freeway and festival correspondence for the next year of competition?  Who will communicate good news to the professor and the university? Who maintains the film’s relevant account passwords?  This is usually your film’s producer, but should not be a graduating senior.